
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dear Home Maker Do You Know About Laines Letters

Laine's Letters Laine is one more wonderful mother that God placed in my life at just the right time to help me with my homemaking. Laine has hundreds of tips for doing things more economically, faster and with the right attitude.
She has a beautiful testimony of how she began her deep walk with the Lord and rising at 4:00 am so that she could spend that very special time with God; reading her Bible and praying.Here is a portion of her testimony: "...Once I got home from the hospital with my new born, I knew I had to do what I had promised. So I started to get up at 4:00 a.m., as this was the only time of my day that I could be alone, and I opened the Bible to the beginning: Genesis. I asked Him to show me Who He was, and not as I perceived Him to be, as I did not know Him as I should. And I asked Him to help me love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. It was very hard for me to get up at 4:00 a.m. with a nursing baby, three other children, and home schooling. And I had always started to read the Bible before, but found it to be too time consuming and difficult to continue. But I feared God! So morning after morning I got up to be alone with Him. Soon I was growing and finding out who God was! And how much He loved me! I couldn't wait to get up and get into His Word, and many times would get up at 3:30..." Please visit Laine's Letters and learn from this godly woman. You'll be glad you did. I have learned so much from reading her letters. They are organized by subject as well as by date. When you go to her web site. If you click on the note pad you get letters from her by subject. Click on the wall picture and you get letters by date, beginning 1999 and are daily up through the year 2000 then they taper off a bit. If you click on her recipe box you will find some great recipes. Enjoy and God bless you. Kathi

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