
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mothers, Don't be Afraid to Make Your Kids Work: It's Good For Them

Moms, I do not feel guilty for asking my wonderful children to help me around the house.
Why don't I? Because it's good for them, and because I need the help. Kids may balk at the idea of helping, and even scowl a bit, but when they grow up they will thank you. I don't know what I'd do without these wonderful helpers. Another thing that I keep in mind is that I should praise them for a job well done, and let them know I value them. All the kids help and some jobs are done for pay. Many jobs are done just because, "We live here and we all contribute to the mess, so we all help!
I work along side my children and help them with their chores just like they help me with mine.
The kids are happy to help me and in trade I take them and their friends places like youth group. This is a typical Wednesday night me driving my three older kids and their friends home. Look how tired I am, but it's so worth it.
I enjoy talking with the kids as we drive home. They are usually excited and have lots to say.
I get to hear what happened during church, and we laugh a lot. I'm going to miss them when they begin driving themselves.

I think balancing work, chores and duities with FUN, is VERY important. Here are Victoria in the blue and some girls from church. All the girls in youth group made a meal together and ate it.
Here are Jessica in the brown, and two friends.

I stayed to participate and enjoyed meeting new girls at youth group and spending time with them. As you can see the work I make my own two girls do hasn't hurt them a bit. Jessica is on the fair left in brown, and Victoria is wearing the baby blue dotted shirt. Here they are jumping for joy with their youth leader. Keep in mind moms that you should take care of yourself and get a little help from your children
. Take time to give yourself a facial. At my age it takes more effort to look good. Put your feet up and have that cup of tea, or soak in the tub. Spend time with the Lord and give Him all your cares. Have a blessed day ~ Kathi

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