
Saturday, May 24, 2008

I Love My Teen-age Son

Don't touch that dial!! I am purposely playing a song that my son played for me while we drove in the truck. By the time you read this the song will have changed. This post originally had the song "Psycho," which you may change right now on my player if you'd like. I want YOU to feel and sense the whole feeling in this blog. Come along with me as my 16 year old son, Harrison and I go on a "MOM DATE."
I know I know, you are saying, "But, I can't stand this kind of music." Well, just hang in there and pretend you are in the truck with us and can't change it. Soon, you might even like it. Somehow I have grown to like it. I think, because it reminds me of being with my boy.
The next thing on your mind is, "Why is he not driving?" Oh, he has his license. I am driving because we are doing lots of city driving, in the truck, which he is not used to, and it is raining. We have to make lots of stops. He does fine in the car, with city driving. He needs lots of practice in this big truck first.
We made one stop at Bi-Mart, and got hungry. Harrison wanted to go to A&W. He loves their root beer.
I'm not shy when it comes to a good hamburger. YUM YUM. I agree the root beer is the best.
Harrison, who is growing, was still hungry and ate part of mine. We had fun together talking and just being together.
He wanted to go to Goodwill, and look for treasures. He loves comic books and found some cool ones.
I found an excellent cookbook called The Kitchen Garden Cookbook by Sylvia Thompson, a John Grisham video, and a Victoria Secret Cami for $4 bucks. I'm very pleased.
Harrison needed some school clothes. One of his favorite stores is Ross Dress For Less. He got some cool T-shirts, sweat shirts and another hat. He thanked me a lot and wanted to pay half, from his earnings this summer.
He loves his new clothes. Now it is raining quite a bit.
Next, Harrison helped me grocery shop. I love it when he pushes the heavy cart. I used to do that with a full cart, plus two kids inside, and pregnant, going up hill. What an amazing difference this is. God has blessed me with my wonderful son, well, with each one of my children. I'm very blessed.
Now, that we were heading home, I wanted him to practice on the back roads, in the truck, while it was raining.
Do I look confident? I'm trying to be silent. Wait a minute....we are supposed to be going home. What's this?
How did we end up at Game Crazy? Now my son is looking at video games.
Finally we are home and he and his sister, Victoria are helping to bring in all those groceries. We had a really fun time together. I'm so thankful for each one of my children. I am so thankful that my sister Sharon, told me about "Mom Dates." I stay closer to my kids when we have this one-on-one time. I praise God for His answers to my prayer to remain close to my children. I do feel close to each one. My next "MOM DATE," will be with Garrett. Have a lovely day with your children today, Kathi
Mom, Psalm 139 says, "You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb, I praise Thee because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

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