
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dimes In the Phone Book

When I was about this age (I'm on the far left), my dad left a huge impression on me. All of us kids were with dad at the market. He wanted to check with mom on some things she might need. He called from the phone booth. Back then you only needed a dime to make a call.
Dad took a little longer than usual to make his call. When he came back to the car, he explained to us kids that when he put his dime into the slot, every dime in the phone came pouring out. All eight eyes stared brightly at Dad in wonderment. "Wow, Dad hit the jackpot!" All of us were thinking, "Does he get to keep all those dimes?" Secretly we hoped he could; that's a lot of candy for a kid, and we're here at the store; how convenient! He soberly told us that he had called the operator and asked her what he ought to do, because the phone had emptied itself. She told him she would push a certain button, and if he'd put them back they would stay. And he did. Our little selfish selves were a bit disappointed for not getting that candy money, but greatly impressed with our Dad's integrity. Instantly we knew he had done right. Immediately we all became different that day. We wanted to be honest like Dad.

The impression Dad left with me was one I shall never forget. He didn't want anything that did not belong to him. He knew God was watching, and wanted to please Him. He also knew that four young lives were watching him. I like the phrase..."More is caught than taught..."
Did someone leave an impact on your life at an early age, which caused you to act with integrity or think in a more noble way? If so, who was this person? Temptation is different for each of us, and comes in varying degrees. Remember, from one of my earlier posts, that my dad received only a single dime once a year on his birthday. Can you imagine that this may have been a substantial temptation for him to see all those shiny dimes roll out of that machine? I never asked you, Dad if you had to think about it, or whether it was an instant reaction to return the money. You can answer this question and I will post it.

Have a lovely Tuesday, Kathi
"For we are taking pains to do what is right, and not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the eyes of men." 2Cor. 8:21

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