
Friday, April 25, 2008

We Are God's Care-free Children

Isn't it wonderful to see that look of elation and pure joy on a child's face?
I just love to see their enthusiasm for life. This is Jessica at 18 months.
I love to see that they have not a care in the world. Garrett, Christmas morning, age 13 months.
They have a "child-like" faith, that the Lord says we should have.
I love it that children are so joyful for just being together having fun. Here are Hayden, Harrison and Grayson thrilled to be together, brushing their teeth. Cousins spending the night!!!
I love it that children seem to only see the bright side. They don't seem to fret or stew or worry.
This is Victoria at age two. So why is it that I let the cares of this world keep me from getting a good night's rest? This is how I was last night, tossing and turning. I was forgetting that God is my Father.
I was upset at things like this. I mustn't let my peace be ruled by the price of fuel. The Lord knows my every need. I need to remember to "Cast all my cares on Him, for He cares for me." It cost me $160 to fill my truck the other day!!!
This is my friend Dawn and me last summer. We attend the same church. We "bumped" into each other at this state park one Saturday. There are no coincidences with the Lord, but rather appointments that He plans on purpose for us. We are now prayer partners.
We are together using this book Power of a Praying Parent, to pray for our children while our kids are in youth group. We are seeing miracles with our children. Praise God.

The Lord quietly reminds me that I can trust Him. He is faithful and true.

So when I toss and turn and cannot sleep, I want to either pray a prayer to ask the Lord to help me feel His presence and go back to sleep or do that and then get up and read my Bible and pray.
Yes, I must drive my children places and yes, I lead a busy life, sometimes waking at 4:00 am just so I'll have the time to pray and also get everything done, but I need not fear, nor fret.
The Lord is with me. He hears my prayers and calms my heart. I can lay all my burdens down, and rest in His care.
I can be joyful like these dear children, who have comeplete peace and security, because God is my Father. This is Cameron, Grayson and Harrison in Sharon's backyard. Her back yard is a lot prettier now! Arn't they just the way we wish we could all be? Which is at rest because they have no fear. "I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me." I can do nothing without Him.

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